Sunday, January 07, 2007

Update for 1-07-07

Well, if you look to the right at the links, you will see that our talented son-in-law Kirk put in the "O Holy Night" video link. That is what Joe and Kevin sang at church on Christmas Eve. We are glad to have it preserved. Thanks Kirk, and thanks Cassie for videotaping it.
We have now weighed and reweighed our suitcases trying to get every last ounce in, and not be overweight. I am trying to bring some food and spices down that will be hard to find down there. I have also been busy copying CD's of worship music to listen to while I am down there now that I have a CD player. We will continue to blog from Bonaire several times a week even if nothing is going on with Joe's cancer. That would be a good thing and we want to share that. We don't think we would be doing this if it weren't for all the prayers of so many friends and people who don't even know us. I now realize just how important it is when you say you will pray for someone, not to forget because we know God hears us. Our small group prayed with us on Thursday night that we would have a safe and healthy trip. We are so looking forward to it and sharing it with our children once again. We know we are blessed to be able to get out of the cold but this year, more than ever, it feels like good medicine to be less stressed and in the warm sunshine soaking up the Vitamin D. Although we may be far away in miles you will be close to our hearts and we will pray for all of you praying for us every day as we have been.
We plan to try and start a small group down in Bonaire and do it on Thursday nights just like we did here at home. They have never done them down there so this will be new. Joe has felt well the last few days and we pray this will continue until we return in April.
Take care and God Bless.
Mary Anne


Caroline Stoufer said...

Dear Joe & Mary Anne-

I'll look forward to hearing about Bonnaire! Hope you have a wonderful time and I will pray for good health for both of you while you are there.

I think that so many prayers of so many people have helped to keep me on this earth!

-Caroline Stoufer

Dave Kenealy said...

Have a wonderful trip. See you on the Links in the spring.

Dave Kenealy