Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tuesday first day of treatment

Hi Friends,
Yesterday was the day the juice fast started but Joe couldn't tolerate the juice - it really made hime ill even tho it is only green vegetables. So he will probalby not do that part. Yesterday he got some nutrients IV and today he will get his first IPT. We are well aware that this treatment is alternative but conventional medicine has nothing to offer that Dad is willing to do - i.e regular chemo. We have decided to do this for 6 weeks and see what happens. Please pray that we will be wise about this. We did get some good news. The CA 9-19 was 67 in September (normal is below 33) and the one he had done at St. Joes a week ago came back 27. We still don't have the P.E.T. scan results correct but hope to get that today. We appreciate the people who are trying to make sure we know all the facts about Dr. Lodi but we feel that God is leading us in this and want to give it a shot. We are praying for courage, fortitude, wisdoma nd patience. Dad has already made friends with some of the patients. Most of them are there every day for some treatment. I will not be spending all day with him as there is no place for me to sit with him in the lounge but I will spend the next few days there to see what is going on. Thanks for your support. We all have to do what we feel in right. Hope you understand this. We appreciate your concern and comments and have looked into the information about Cr. Lodi. God bless. Mary Anne

1 comment:

barb said...

hi again,

i honor your choice and i'm pulling for a great outcome. not one of us can predict if what treatment may or may not work. our chemical makeup is different. this cancer is wicked and unpredictable.

the CA 19-9 marker is amazing and great news. that alone would lead one to believe that the diet change you've already done is working on the cancer.

i respect your decision to go forward and wish you the best.

a fellow cholangio patient,