Wednesday, March 05, 2008

a better day today

Hi Friends,
Today is March 5th and Joe is finally feeling a little stronger. He spiked a temp last night and had to get an antibiotic which he started last night. We went to his IPT doctor this morning and he got his port flushed. This afternoon we went to his internist and got checked out and got Reglan for his stomach to help it empty so his food sits better. He is not running a temp today. As soon as his bilirubin gets down he will start IPT again which hopefully will shrink the tumors and they won't be obstructing his ducts. His jaundice is improving slowly. The doctor said it takes about a week. I am so thankful for just this little improvement. He did go to bible study this morning just for a bit and the guys prayed with him. That is his first outing except to the doctor in a week. We are in God's hands and he is doing a good job. Thank you God. Take care Mary Anne

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