Friday, June 01, 2007

Ablation done

The procedure today went well. They did the ablation on the liver but didn't feel it was necessary to do anything with the lung at this time. He is currently in recovery and will go home Saturday or Sunday. More later.

1 comment:

Janet Phad said...

Hi Joe and Mary Anne!
I just caught up on the reading of your blogs. You do them so well!
Sounds as though things are going well and that you have a positive attitude. Prayer is a powerful thing and I know it is helping you.
I am sorry I missed your birthday, Joe! Happy, Happy! Also sorry I didn't run into you while you were home, but know how busy that must be. I just had a birthday also, and am now ten years older than Joe. The Chorus' show went well, I think. It somehow got a name, A WORLDWIDE FANTASY CRUISE. I was the "activities director", Ernie Hegeman was the 'Captain". The captain's table was beautiful... with champagne, petit fours, strawberries, etc. Saturday nights show was taped by RPTV so it will be on Channel 6 eventually.
Vic Bialczak, Jack Haley, and a group of people from Carillon manned the cameras and equipment. Every one of them from Carillon. Rosemary's brother, Frank, narrated the second act. There were some really cute acts ... A WHALE OF A TALE was exceptionally good. Cindy Kokik and Loren Hagen did "I LOVE PARIS"
The chorus did a beautiful rendition of IMPOSSIBLE DREAM. I have extra programs if you would like one, I could send it to your house. Ro Haley's grandson was hit by a car as he stepped off of a bus and was in a coma for a while. He is out of the coma but brain damaged, and making some progress in moving, talking. I am sure you probably already know I am looking down at the "sign in with your Google Account" username and password. I know I signed up the last time but forgot what, where, how. I am getting an MRI of my brain tomorrow to find out the reason for memory loss. Probably old age! Just checked the book that I keep things in and it's not there!
Hope I didn't do this for nothing!
I send love and prayers your way for a speedy recovery, and safe trip back home for good. God Bless you both, Janet Phad