Saturday, June 23, 2007

Saturday June 23, 2007

Hallelujah, Praise the Lord Dear Friends,
I can't think of enough words of praise for the joy that is in our hearts now after the news from the radiologist yesterday. The PET scan showed that the tumor that was ablated three weeks ago is gone. There are two other liver tumors, not as active as the one that was ablated. Well, the embolization seems to have knocked out the activity of one of those and the other one is only active on the outside and doesn't seem to be doing much. The lung tumors are shrinking. We couldn't have gotten better news. There are no new sites. You can't imagine how this lifted Joe's spirits. Yesterday was the first day he stayed up all day since the procedure.
We went to cell group last night to tell them the news and called as many people as we could with our cell phones only having one bar of power left. I don't think I can write as uplifted as I feel. We were waiting on Jesus and He came through. It makes all the money we spent worthwhile. We spent time with Dr. Watt yesterday who works with Dr. Lodi and she has added more supplements for Joe to take when he comes home. We meet with Dr. Lodi for the last time on Monday before we head out on Tuesday. Also, Joe's platelets which had dropped to 19,000 three days ago have come up to 50,000. His Hgb is still low a 9 but his white count is back up so his body is responding to stopping the chemo. Joe will have another PET scan in two months and we know it is possible these tumors may grow again now that he is not getting treatment but we are praying with diet and supplements and prayer that his body will work to do the rest of the work. You are all such an important part of our battle with this cancer. We can't thank you enough for storming the heavens to plead for Joe's life. God is faithful. Looking forward to being home and visiting with many of you.Take care and God Bless. Mary Anne

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe and Mary-anne,

What great news!!! I'm so happy for you!! Can't wait to see you!!

wendy augusto and Laura