We have changed the blog to allow for a couple new features. 1) We made it easier to comment on the blog without having an account. We would love to hear from you if you would like to send a comment. 2) You can also sign up to track the blog at the top right of the page, this will require you to register for a google account but you will be notified of updates at this critical time.
Another quiet day here in Plainfield. Dad is sleeping a lot but when he wakes up and talks, he is still dad, although he struggles to find the words to express what is going on in his mind. Frustrating for a guy who had one of the best commands of the english language.
Hey everyone,
It was great seeing everyone last weekend. I hope all is well, and I'm praying everyday!!!
Chris Shea
My sister lost her husband in March to this and I have followed your story through the Cholangiocarcinoma site for over a year. I am so sorry that your family is going through this, but what a blessing that you are all able to be with each other. Faith, family and friends gave my sister strength beyond words when Tommy was sick. God bless you, my prayers are with you all.
Amy Palmieri, sister of Laura West
I think this is a wonderful blog. It has shown Joe's and his family's faith and strength. I think it would make an excellent book of inspiration to any going through such a trial. Maybe later, it can be. Thank you for the opportunity to share this journey of such a wonderful Christian man. I am praying for you all.
I check this daily and pray throughout the day for all of you. Bob and I continue to be impressed at how Joe showed us how to live through his remarks when he was worship leader, and how he has since shown us how to leave this world to be with our Lord. I praise God for our having had this opportunity to worship with him. Our hearts go out to all of you. Bob and Lola Ball
Mary Anne, and all of Joe's family. We really appreciate your ongoing updates on Joe's condition and situation. Joe is a very special person and is loved by many. Barbara and I want to offer to you our personal thoughts, prayers and support as you progress through the coming days. We lost Barb's father, Merle, on Tuesday morning and feel that we know very much both how you feel and what you are going through. God Bless all of you and give Joe our best. Love Barbara & Charles Nance
Love God and Love Each Other!!!!
Hi Coburn's
This is Michelle Bailey. My husband Dirk passed this March from CC but I still read the blogs and current information on this wonderful site. Thank you so much for keeping us updated on Joe. I think of you often and will say a prayer for you all tonight. God does give you a strength and peace that is so utterly amazing. His promises are true. We are only seperated for a little while. Oh the joy in that promise, when we will be reunited again! God Bless
Mary Ann, kids and grandkids. Just to let you know that Don & I feel truly blessed to have been a small part of Joe's and your lives. Our hearts are heavy and tears fill the eyes, but we know he will not leave this earth without some wonderful joke or quip. We love you guys! The Bagleys
Michael, I've been checking the blog every few hours & my heart is breaking for you & your family, as losing a cherished family member is so tragic. I haven't read all of your comments as it brings back the still-fresh memories of my dad passing in August. I am praying for you all to be at peace. I am so glad yoru dad is urrounded by his loved ones.
Dear Joe, Dave is waiting, club in hand, the game will be good. Our Precious Lord wants the Good Guys. Love to you, Marge K
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