Michael Mary Anne Joe Cassie
November 14, 2008
Dear Friends,
How do you know what to write in a situation like this? I am overwhelmed with the love of people for Joe. Yesterday we had friends we met diving who drove up from Memphis (8 Hours) just to spend two hours with Joe and say good bye. My brother Rick and his wife Bonnie flew in from Arkansas and their son Ricky picked them up and brought them here yesterday. My sister Cathy and family are coming in today from Minnesota. Also our daughter Karen that is getting married in 5 weeks flew in from Phoenix yesterday and surprised Joe. We had a special time when just our kids and their spouses were in the room with us and we prayed together and just told Joe how good an example he set about loving everyone no matter their walk in life. He spends most of his time in the family room which has been rearranged to accommodate the lift chair which is like an automatic lazy boy. Other family members are in the living room or kitchen. We have the computer down here with us and albums so we have done a lot of remembering and lots of laughing at what we used to look like. Mary, the hospice nurse came yesterday and although she kind of talked Joe into the hospital bed, he sure looked more comfortable in it than the regular bed when she came to see him. Joe is getting jaundiced now and she said he will get more confused as the toxins build up. We see just a slight bit of that now. He still has his sense of humor and really made an effort to talk with people as they were here yesterday. My two in town sisters, Ron and Trish ,were also here yesterday with their husbands. Today I think we will put up some indoor Christmas decorations. Joe loves Christmas and always enjoyed just looking at the Christmas tree all decorated. Michael and I put up some outdoor lights Thursday but we won't turn them on til Thanksgiving.
A couple nights ago when I couldn't sleep I started getting verses in my head. This has happened to me several times in the last month and I feel like Jesus is preparing me for the road ahead. I wanted to share one of them with all of you to let you now I am going to be OK.
Set Your Eyes on Him
In the middle of the night when your mind turns to fright,
Set your eyes on Him.
In the middle of the night, when there's no one else in sight,
Set your eyes on Him.
For when He is in your midst, and you feel the love within,
Then the fear that Satan brings has vanished in thin air.
I know He is around me, I can feel his presence near.
And now that I have named it, I can sleep without the fear.
Oh Jesus, how I love you, and need you by my side.
Through the troubled days ahead, in your words I will abide.
For I know You love me also, and will not abandon me.
And when the trial is over, many blessing I will see.
So stay with me my Saviour, my comfort and my guide.
Until my darling Joseph, is standing at your side.
In the middle of the night when your mind turns to fright,
Set your eyes on Him.
In the middle of the night, when there's no one else in sight,
Set your eyes on Him.
For when He is in your midst, and you feel the love within,
Then the fear that Satan brings has vanished in thin air.
I know He is around me, I can feel his presence near.
And now that I have named it, I can sleep without the fear.
Oh Jesus, how I love you, and need you by my side.
Through the troubled days ahead, in your words I will abide.
For I know You love me also, and will not abandon me.
And when the trial is over, many blessing I will see.
So stay with me my Saviour, my comfort and my guide.
Until my darling Joseph, is standing at your side.
I now understand the "peace that passes all understanding" because even though I cry a lot, I have a wonderful peace inside.
Thank you so much for your prayers. They have been answered in more ways than you know and I feel the grace surround us each day. Take care and God Bless. Mary Anne
1 comment:
Dear Joe and Mary Anne,
We know that your words in this message are meant to truly express the “inner peace” that God has granted you in this most difficult part of Joe’s journey back to his Jesus. We can only pray and hope to receive our “inner peace” when we have to face that same point in our lives and in our own journey back to God.
We always knew that your gift of faith was strong enough to accept Joe’s death, but now we also believe that you have both been given another gift from God … and that is the strength to share that “dying” part of Joe’s journey with us in this blog. In sharing that with us, we believe that God has helped you also better deal with the “dying” part of death.
In this blog, you have also allowed us to see how God is a part of Joe’s journey. This has helped bring God’s presence even more alive in each of our lives, as we face the inevitable future of taking that journey ourselves.
We thank you so much for sharing those gifts. We love you both ….and you both will always be an important part of our lives.
Ben & Marilyn
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