Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday February 26, 2008

Hi Friends,
Well the procedure yesterday to put in stents was only partially successful. They got two stents in the right side but the left lobe has a twisted duct that they couldn't reach through the stomach. There is only a 20% chance that this will solve the problem. He is tentatively scheduled to have a different procedure on Friday where they will go in percutaneously to try and reach it. Of course we were disappointed and discouraged but we haven't given up. Cassie is being a great nurse to Joe and forcing fluids to try and rid the body of the bile. We have to take it day by day in what the plans are to return to Bonaire but it doesn't look possible for next Tuesday. As Joe said this proceure only takes care of the symptom. He still needs treatment to reduce the tumor that is pressing on the bile ducts.
So I keep trying to bring to mind verses from scripture that will sustain us and give us encouragement. Phillipians 4 -13 has always been my favorite since my Mom shared it with me many years go. I can do all thngs through him who gives me strength. Also Be still and know that I am God. We need to rest in his grace and pray for success on Friday. Thank you for all your prayers and support. I wish I could write you all individually but I pay by the minute down here. Take care and God Bless Maryanne

1 comment:

fia said...

I am sorry to read that everything is not going as you both hoped it would be.Know that my prays are with you both, and I really hope Joe will soon come to Bonaire to enjoy the warmth and get better.
a big hug to you both.