Friday, February 29, 2008

One down, one to go

February 29,2008
We just arrived home from the hospital. Joe had a drain put into the bile duct in the left lobe of his liver with an external catheter to a drainage bag. They were unable to get all the way to the intestine today due to inflammation of the duct but they feel that by Tuesday they can go in again and complete the drain down to the intestine. He is uncomfortable but not in pain. We were very impressed with the staff at Northwest. They were very caring and informative of what was going to happen. It was smooth sailing driving up and back. Tuesday's procedure will be at 9 so it will be a little earlier.
We will just sit back and enjoy each others company tonight. Days like today are stressful when you are not sure of the outcome so the tension of the day is over. Thanks again for all your prayers. We will keep you updated as we know more. Take care and God Bless Mary Anne

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Procedure tomorrow

Thursday February 28th,2008
Frist of all, I flew home from Boniare yesterday. I left Bonaire at 7 in the morning and got home about 10 last night. It was a long trip but we did fine, Lucky and me. Kevin picked me up from the airport and then stayed overnight with us.
This morning, we went to the hospital for pretesting stuff for tomorrow. The procedure tomorrow is called a percutaneous trranshepatic something or other. They will go in through the skin and insert a drain with an external bag which will be temporary til the billirubin goes down and then maybe later place a stent in. We don't know if he will be in overnight or not but we are prepared. He is very weak but not in any pain and I am so glad I am home to help him. His bililrubin is up to 20 now so he needs some relief. We ask for prayers that this procedure goes better than Monday and that it will get rid of the jaundice. We thank you for all the support you have given us with phone calls etc. The grace from your prayers buoy us up each day. We are looking at one day at a time and know God is walking with us in this journey. God bless all of you. Mary Anne

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday February 26, 2008

Hi Friends,
Well the procedure yesterday to put in stents was only partially successful. They got two stents in the right side but the left lobe has a twisted duct that they couldn't reach through the stomach. There is only a 20% chance that this will solve the problem. He is tentatively scheduled to have a different procedure on Friday where they will go in percutaneously to try and reach it. Of course we were disappointed and discouraged but we haven't given up. Cassie is being a great nurse to Joe and forcing fluids to try and rid the body of the bile. We have to take it day by day in what the plans are to return to Bonaire but it doesn't look possible for next Tuesday. As Joe said this proceure only takes care of the symptom. He still needs treatment to reduce the tumor that is pressing on the bile ducts.
So I keep trying to bring to mind verses from scripture that will sustain us and give us encouragement. Phillipians 4 -13 has always been my favorite since my Mom shared it with me many years go. I can do all thngs through him who gives me strength. Also Be still and know that I am God. We need to rest in his grace and pray for success on Friday. Thank you for all your prayers and support. I wish I could write you all individually but I pay by the minute down here. Take care and God Bless Maryanne

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Stent scheduled for Monday at @ P.M.

Talked to Joe last night and he is scheduled for a stent to be placed in his bile duct on Monday at 2 P.M. at Northwest Memorial hospital by Dr. Parsons. He has done 1000 of them and rarely has to do an external bag. So keep praying that all goes smoothly. Cassie will take him and stay overnight with him Monday night.
Charles, Joe still has the same cell phone but the home phone is not turned on. If he is sleeping he doesn't have the cell near him THe number is 630 561 6289 - same as always. It is hard for me to be away from him now but he wants me to stay here - I think so he is sure to come back. Anyway his cold is better and he is keeping busy seeing friends and reaching out to other people who have problems at home. He is really a trooper about this and we feel God's grace every day. I am not doing much except diving and eating and sleeping. Lucky is a great companion for me. He had a little surgery to remove a cyst under his eye but is back to his old perky self. Lucky is our little Maltese for those of you that aren't up to date. Thanks for all your prayers and concern. I will write after the procedure to let you know. It may not be til Tuesday because my internet place closes before I will have the results. God bless Mary Anne

Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday Results of MRI

Hi Friends and family,
First of all, to the cc people who answered my questions about jaundice and stents, thank you. I can't seem to log into the cholangio site right now. Joe talked to Dr. Schubert last night late and he said Joe definitely has a blockage in his bile duct. The tumors have grown and are blocking it. He is going to get hold of a GI guy from Northwest hospital maybe in Park Ridge and see if he can schedule a stent ASAP. Joe's bilirubin is 10 normal is 1 or below. Hi liver tests are also high. Joe has a small amount of liver pain on and off but the last two days he has not been very queasy. He has a cold which is keeping him from sleeping well. And he has no wife at home to nag him about what to take when - don't know if that is good or bad. He definitety won't be coming back to Bonaire on Tuesday and after that plans are uncertain. They can't do anything til they get the bilirubin down. Sorry I can't write all of you individually but please know we appreciate your support and prayers. Joe only has his cell phone on at home and he is sleeping a lot. Email would probably be the best way to reach him unless you have his cell phone number. Family and neighbors are feeding him so that part is handled. He has done all his little chores he had on his list except getting the computer fixed which is really bugging him. He has his old computer at home so can use skype from there to keep in touch. Thanks Rick and Trish for your calls to him.. He really appreciated your care and concern. I will update this as often as I have new info. Please continue to pray. God Bless. Mary Anne

Monday, February 18, 2008

Time for more tests

Hi Friends and Family,
Well, we have had some changes since our last blog. Joe has now developed jaundice as evidenced by the yellow in his eyes. His queasy stomach is back. He flies to Chicago tomorrow and will have an MRI and an MRCP to look at his bile ducts and see if there is blockage or what is going on. He is sleeping a lot due to this condition. We will hold off on the IPT until we find out what is going on. Please keep us in your prayers and we will let you know the restuls when we get them which may not be until next Monday. Love to you all God Bless Mary anne

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Wonderful Days

The days in Bonaire are almost all alike. Sunny with some white fluffy clouds. We do get a little rain but with a constant 15 mph wind it blows over very quickly. Temps are mostly in the 82 - 84 range. Just delightfuil weather. Sooooo much better than what I have been seeing in Chicago....I think last week they got 10" of snow....yuk!

We have managed to train Lucky not to bark any more when we leave. We think he was suffering from seperation anxiety. He does just fine now.

I have not felt as well for the last week. My stomach is back toi being queasy and I have slight pain on and off. The problem, of course, is that any paion that I have causes me a great deal of mental stress. The pain of and by itself is pretty much a nothing.

We are diving quite a bit, mostly with our good friends Bob and Diane who we met down here three or four years ago. They also come down for about three months and are great to be with. People who own another unit at Buddy Dive came in yesterday and we have not seen them in a year. He told me in his broken english that he has been peraying for me daily. I broke into tears when he said that. People are so great. My heart just melts when people tell me that.

I go back to Chicago on the 19th for three treatments and then fly back to Bonaire. I hope they take away this pain. To all of you who atre praying for me thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.


Friday, February 01, 2008

Great Time!!!

I was surprised whenI looked at the date of the last blog. January 12....WOW! We are enjoying the nice weather here and the herbs Dr. Gwo gave me seem to be working as my queasyness is gone or almost gone most of the time. One of the reasons that we have not written in a while is that we have been having problems with our computer. Yesterday we took it to an authorized Dell service center on the island and after a lot of testing he determined that the motherboard is shot. He cannot fix it as we do not have an international guarantee but he did call Dell, explained the problem and I have a case number so that when I go home I can call Dell and get it taken care of in a day ot two.

We have been diving about two dives a day and the last dive we made at Margate Bay, we had a pod of Dolphins swim by us. Verycool. We are going to go back there and look for them again..Last year at Margate Bay we saw the Dolphins twice and at about the same time.

We have been attending theSmall Group that we started last year and it is going well. Last week there were 17 there. Wonderful!!!. We signed up at Chat n Browse for computer time so we should be able to do a better job of keeping up with what is going on . Thanks for all your prayers....I'm sure it's the reason that I am still here.