Thursday, March 06, 2008

March 6, Thursday
Got the results of the blood work from yesterday and the bilirubin went from 20 to 16 which is a good thing. Normal is 1 so we have a ways to go. The other liver function tests are also considerable down. The Alk Phos which was 738 is now in the 400's and the AST and ALt are in the 60-80 range from the low 200's. So for those of you with cc you know what this means, For those of you without this knowlegdge, it means the liver is functioning better now that the catheter is in place. Joe has no pain today and he slept very well last night. The reglan seems to help him move the food through his stomach better so all in all, things are improving. He will go to Dr. Ayer tomorrow and get some IV Vitamin C and some other good stuff. Dr. Ayer talked to Dr. Lodi in Az and they conferred about what was good. I was able to go swimming this morning which felt really good. Now that things have settled down, I won't blog until after the next blood test next week. We are spending a quiet weekend at home. We joined blockbuster on line again so they send us movies. Agin, thanks for your prayers and support. God Bless Mary Anne

1 comment:

fia said...

dear Joe and Mary Ann,
Good to hear Joe is a little bit better now. Enjoy your being together and have a nice weekend.
As a lot of people do I am keep you both in my prays, life is always good when he is watching over you.
kisses from me in the Netherlands