Monday, June 09, 2008

June 9, 2008

Hi Friends,
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Everything is fine. It seems when things are not good I get around to it easier asking for prayers. Joe was due to get chemo last Friday but his platelets were only 44,000 so no go. He will try again a week from today. The gemcitibine really knocks the heck out of his bone marrow. His hemoglobin hangs around 9+ so he gets procrit each week. I think I wrote that he had the catheter replaced with a stent and he had a slight fever the following weekend after that, so was put on antibiotics but no fever now. He did play nine holes of golf last week and that went fine. We also took a short bike ride but it all seeemed uphill to Joe. I am back to my swimming after a two week break and it feels good to be back in the water. Joe's garden is planted and so far the rabbits are leaving it alone. We just love sitting on the deck and watching the golfers and the birds and just relaxing. Hope you are all enjoying the summer that has finally come. Joe probably won't have a scan until next month to see how things are working. Our Maltese ,Lucky, stated obedience class last week and he barked through the whole first session. I was afraid we were going to get kicked out of class but he did much better today with the help of a squirt bottle from one of the assistants. It was just water but it stopped him from barking right away. Hopefully I can take him on walks now without him trying to terrrorize the dogs he passes. Anyhow, enjoy you day and God Bless . Mary Anne

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