Saturday, July 26, 2008

July 26,2008 Happy 2 year anniversary

Hi Friends,
Well here we are two years later and Joe still has quality of life and we have had a really good two years. We have traveled, spent time with family and friends, sang and worshipped in our church in in Carillon, participated in two small groups each ( we are in a small group as a couple and then we each are in one for just women or men as the case may be). All these things plus your abundant prayers have sustained us on this journey and we feel strengthened to keep on going. Last weekend Joe and I were both down but then we sang in church on Sunday and that helped a lot. Monday, Joe called the doctor about his ascites and swelling in his feet and he had an ultrsound on Wednesday. Following that, they did a paracentesis (put a needle in his abdomen) and drained out two liters of fluid. They couldn't get it all but is was a big improvement. Then Thursday, he saw Dr. Schubert, his internist, and he put him on a mild diuretic for the swelling in his feet and it should also help with the ascites. He had chemo Thursday afternoon so he has had a busy week with doctors. Next week he will be off and he loves that. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous this week and we hve spent a lot of time just sitting on the deck talking and watching the golfer and the birds. The verse "Be still and know that I am God " comes to mind often when we are out there.
tonight we are going out to dinner to celebrate, The fishing trip is planned for two weeks from now and it looks like it is a go. Again, thanks for all your support. We didn't know this journey would be this long but we are so grateful to God for the time he has given us. God Bless Mary Anne

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