Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday April 23, 2008

Praise God for some good news! The colonoscopy was clear - showed nothing which was a relief. Our fear was that there was tumor causing the internal bleeding. This is not the case. He won't have any more tests at this point. It appears the bleeding has stopped because his blood count is stable. He got platelets today and he will get shots for his low white blood count daily. He will be on IV antibiotics for two more weeks, but will be able to go home sooner than that when he is stable. This was a gram negative bacillus which is a serious blood infection. But he appears to be out of the woods. Thanks so much for all your prayers and calls. Joe looks and sounds better today than he has since he got here. He is really looking forward to his first meal in three days - he had to fast because of various tests. We'll continue to keep you posted.

1 comment:

Mary Odehnal said...

Hi Joe and Maryann,
This blog site is such a blessing. I can read about Joe's progress while out of town (Houston). We continue to pray for your good results.
Love, Mary and Dick O.