Thursday, August 10, 2006

Update for 8-10-06

We went to the oncologist, Dr. Gustafson yesterday. The blood work came back that the alpha feta protein was normal level,which says it is not primary liver cancer.
The second liver biopsy confirmed that also and that it is biliary pancreatic carcinoma. That means bile duct and/or pancreas. Our next move is to go to Northwestern to see Dr.Mary McCarthy who is an oncologist who specializes in GI tumors (tumors of the gastrointestinal tract) We hope to hear from her this afternoon about an appointment. We will bring her all the original films of cat scans and slides of the liver biopsy. She will review and take them to the tumor board to see what the options are and whether surgery is possible. Dr. Gustafson thinks we should biopsy the lung areas to be sure of what they are before we go in and do major surgery removing the lobe of the liver and looking eyeball for the primary. Nothing elso lit up on the PET scan for the pancreas or the bile duct.

This is not what we had hoped for but it is possible to live without your lobe of the liver and your pancreas(which suprised me). We also discussed the nutrition program from Halleluia acres and she said go ahead, For sure get off coke and sugar and alcohol.

Joe started walking with Ed this morning and we have begun to eat mostly raw fruits and vegetables with 15%of food cooked.We are off any animal proteins and dairy products. We both feel positive that his could really build the immune system and fight the cancer. Joe is still feeling just fine except for the little queezyness in his stomach.

Again if you wish to email Joe the correct email is We so appreciate all your cards and calls. We do tend to nap in the afternoon around 3 but any other time is fine to call.
I will let you know when our next appointment is and we hope it will be within the week.

Thanks for your prayers and keep them up. Love ya Mary Anne

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