Monday, August 28, 2006

Update for 8-28-06

We just returned from Northwestern and we were disappointed in the news. The lesion in the lung is cancer which means Joe has a small lesion in each lung. That means surgery is out. He will have an MRI and a CT scan of his chest hopefully this week to see the growth in the last 6 weeks since the last one. Possible options for treatment are radiation directly to that part of the liver through the femoral artery (like they do an angiogram) or chemo in the same way. As we said before, systemic chemo to the whole body does not help this kind of cancer. There are still side effects to these two treatments. We haven't made a decision and won't until we see the scans. There is one clinical trial but it is only in the first phase. We continue to need your prayers and today was not nearly as hard as the first time as we had food and reading material.
Joe continues to feel well although some of his blood work for liver is elevated now. Thanks you all so much for your support and cards. We are blown away by the caring of friends and relatives. God Bless all of you. Mary Anne

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