Friday, September 29, 2006

Update for 9-29-06

For about the fifth day in a row, I am feeling very upset stomach. As Mary Anne mentioned, I see each day as a gift. As you might imagine, this kind of news, "It's Cancer", throws your whole life upside-down. Each time I think of something in the future, I tend to move away from it as the future seems so uncertain. However, I think it is positive thinking to continue to plan things in the future. I am a planner. Toward that end, we have invited all our children and grandchildren to come down to Bonaire this winter for a week. They are coming at different times so that we may be able to spend some quality time with each family. It will be quite a treat!

I am a believer that this is all in God's plan (that does not mean I have to like the plan but I accept it). I have not had any "Why me?" or anger-with-God issues to deal with. There is a reason why God allowed this to happen but like so many other things, it is hard for us to see that. We just don't have the big picture. The cards and prays from so many people have truly been humbling. I do feel so wrapped in prayer and love. Thanks to each of you who care and are praying. My love goes to each of you!

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