Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Addition

As some of you may remember, last April we had to have our thirteen year old Maltese, Jake, put down. It was a very sad moment. As you dog owners know, they become like members of the family. Both Mary Anne and I have missed Jake a great deal. Mary Anne has been looking on "Pet Finders" and has showed me several dogs. I asked her if she was planning on getting another dog and when she said no I asked her not to show me anymore pitures of dogs.
We have been dog sitting for a friend who has the cutest, submissive little white dog. As great as he is, just dog sitting did not seem to do it for us and so Mary Anne called a friend who works at the Vet we went to, who also happens to be a show judge and asked her about finding us a small white dog...maybe a Maltese. Three hours later she called back to say that a friend of hers who runs the Animal Shelter in Joliet had a one year old male Maltese. He was small and very submissive.
Mary Anne went out that afternoon and got him. We found out that if we had called one day later he would have been put down. He is the cutest thing and very submissive. We felt very lucky to get him and him to be lucky also as he wouldn't have been here one day later.....
so naturally we decided to name him "Lucky"!
He is nothing like Jake. First of all he doesn't growl at me when I come into the bedroom and he is much more affectionate. He has adjusted very easily and already seems very much at home.

On another note, I have another Pet CT on Thursday the 13th and we have an appointment with Dr. Mulcahy at Chicago Northwestern on the 19th. We are hoping that the report will not only be favorable but also far more definitive.

In four weeks we will be leaving for Bonaire. We are so blessed to be able to get out of the winter for a while. We sure love the island and all the people who we know who either live on the island or come there while we are there.

May God bless each of you abundantly at this marvelous time of the year!



Anonymous said...

Hi Joe,

Lucky is very cute!!! I'm glad that you have him!! Laura can't wait till pull his ears!!! See you in 4 weeks!!!


Jill said...

Dear Joe and Mary Anne,

Your family once responded to a blog written by my friend, Caroline Stoufer, who recently died. I'm working to compile her blog into a keepsake book for her family and friends, and I was wondering if I could include your responses. I don't want the book to sound like she never had responses, that she was writing alone, and some of the responses also contain medical information that might help other people with the same cancer. Would you mind if I include the comments that your family posted to her blog? I'll certainly understand if you say no. You just let me know. I'm thinking about you very much right now. I am heartsick to learn that so many of the people who responded to Caroline's blog early on have also passed on. This is a much needed life lesson for me. Sincerely, Jill Patterson

My contact info: jill.patterson@ttu.edu.