Thursday, February 05, 2009

February 5, 2009

Hi Friends,

I made it to Bonaire with no complications.  Lucky was a wonderful traveler and I had one lady who wanted to take him home with her in San Juan.  We were met by Ed and Jayne and staff from Buddy who helped transport the luggage.  Lucky was right at home from the beginning.

I will do my check out dive this afternoon (to make sure I have the right weights etc) and Ed and Jayne will go along.  They are on their 9th dive and loving it.  I have about 10 diving friends down here right now so no lack of people to dive with.  When we leave we put our personal stuff in an owners closet and I am still unpacking that but the condo looks like home now.  Even tho it is smaller than home, it still feels big without Joe.  As I said to the kids, I miss his dynamic presence when he walked into a room.  I have some of his barbershop songs on my MP3 player and I love hearing his voice. I am trying to take each day as it comes and not worry about the future.  I know God knows His plans and that's enough for me.  Take care and God bless.   

Mary Anne


Pam said...

Mary Anne,

Have a wonderful and restorative time in a place that I know you will feel so close to Joe. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as you begin this next adventure in your life.

Hugs to you!

jmhpls said...

Mary Anne, I was at your home once. You had a little dog named Jake, and Joe, the gracious host made all of us feel great coming to visit for an Insituform Sales Managers Meeting. I just learned of Joe's passing, and am sorry that he left us so early in his life. I looked up to Joe, and was pleased to know him. He was a model person that anyone would want to emulate. Though I hadn't seen him since leaving Insituform in 2001, I've always held high regard for him. I can truly say that I'm glad I got to meet him on my journey.